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Master’s Address 2018


******** Greetings from the East ********

It is with great pleasure of serving San Mateo Lodge#226 for the ensuing year 2018. I humbly accept the trust and confidence that the brethren had in me, to serve this beloved lodge of ours, and I will do my best because I have nothing more to offer except my best. The job of a Lodge Mater is very much challenging, because in addition to being proficient in the constitutions and regulations, ancient ritual traditions, one must also possess leadership, managerial, and organizational skill.  And just like any other organization, big and small, the very existence of our fraternity hinges on effective and efficient leaders who can rally its members into working towards the achievement of its stated goals and objectives.

It is for these reasons, that I presented to the lodge a medium-term plan to strengthen our organizational structure so that all our efforts and actions will be placed in its proper perspective, so that we can keep track of our achievements and determine whether our stated objectives has been attained.

As in many successful masonic lodges, we will work towards the fulfilment of these objectives.  I firmly believe, that any lodge without well-defined objectives will be moving to a direction of irrelevance to its members and to the community that it serves and toward an inevitable organizational demise

This organizational plan with defined vision, mission, and objectives for our lodge will be the framework by which all our activities will be based upon. This plan iterates the vision and mission of the GL of F&AM of California.

To build a viable organizational structure I propose the following organizational objectives:

Our VISION STATEMENT is that San Mateo Lodge # 226 will be recognized as a masonic lodge with members who are well-versed in the core values of freemasonry, who strive to practice these values in their daily lives as heads of their respective families or as an individual making a positive difference in their community.

Our MISSION STATEMENT is that San Mateo Lodge #226 is a masonic organization that provides a great opportunity for men of good rapport to become better individuals through masonic education and training. The Lodge exist to promote the core values espoused by freemasons and by practicing these principles through their families, fraternity and service to their community.

OUR CORE VALUES is that Masonry is the largest fraternal organization and the most sought after membership in the world. It is a system of ethics and body of knowledge that include among others the belief that man has a responsibility and capability to improve himself while being devoted to his faith, family, fraternity, and country.

Our vision, mission, goals and objectives are guided by the enduring tenets of our fraternity – brotherly love, relief and truth.  Our core values include: prudence – that is to help us make the right decisions, temperance – keep us straight and narrow, fortitude – promotes self-confidence and strong self-esteem, and justice – provides us guidance in life.

As masons, we foster moral standards and civility and base our lives on honor and integrity (Ethics). We make a difference in our communities through charitable giving, service to the community and volunteerism (Philanthropy). We strive to be better individuals, committed to protecting the well-being of our families and brethren (Family and fraternalism).

The fraternity values religious, ethnic, cultural, social, and educational differences. We respect the opinions of others and we continuously pursue knowledge, ethics, spirituality, and leadership in our lives.

Our values are the principles we hold in high regards and we invest our time, energy, and resources to practice and uphold these core values.  These core values will be the guiding principles of our lodges’ program plan.   I have presented/emailed these completed documents to our brethren for their valuable inputs.  I envisioned that the succeeding Masters of this lodge in the next 4 years will base and build their respective action plans on this organizational framework. It is our plan and I believe that it is our shared responsibility to make it happened.

For my part, I have identified the action activities along the 5 major objectives defined above, that I think can be implemented in the next 12 (11) months.

Sincerely & Fraternally,

Carlito .L Bade

Worshipful Master